Gout: A Most Desirable Disease

Gout is a painful type of arthritis caused by an excess of uric acid in the blood, which then builds up in the joints, causing painful swelling and inflammation. Though not typically dangerous, it can be debilitating if untreated. The condition is usually caused by overconsumption of alcohol and fatty foods combined with general inactivity.  […]

It’s all in your Head: The Phrenology Movement

Phrenology is the idea that the shape of the head is a physical manifestation of the personality. By feeling the shape and contours of a subject’s head, phrenologists believed they could determine their overall personality, including any predisposition they might have to insanity or criminality. The theory was developed in 1796 by Franz Joseph Gall, […]

A Picture of Health: Asylum Photography

Before the reform movement of the mid 1800s, insane asylums were seen as little more than dumping grounds for those who were considered to have no place in society. Likewise, the people who found themselves confined in ‘madhouses’ were often regarded with fear and ridicule. There were many different theories about what caused mental illness, […]